Monday, January 10, 2011

The Proposal...Courtney's Version

To begin, I was kinda anticipating it to happen. I first got onto anticipating it when I saw a Helzberg Diamonds catalog in the door panel of the truck one weekend when Brandon came down to see me. Honestly I began to think that our engagement was coming when I saw that but it wasn't something that was constantly on my mind. The first Valentines day that Brandon and I were together he gave me a necklace from Helzberg and that is also where my promise ring was from so it wasn't unusual to be getting things from them in the mail because we would get cards and catalogs and other stuff from them on a fairly regular basis. What really got me onto anticipating the engagement was towards the end of the semester when Brandon, my mom and my sister were all super skiddish whenever I would get near their phones. It seemed like everyone would have them attached to their hand and I was not allowed to touch them. So that got me thinking. Then, when I got back to school after Thanksgiving, Brandon sent me a text and asked me if we could do something fun on Christmas Eve before we went to church. I agreed and he was super excited. I remember his text saying something along the lines of "Really? Can we do something fun, like go somewhere and do something fun?" Without a doubt I agreed and the anticipation started building.
I talked about what I knew with Val, one of the girls that I am on staff with at school. Before we left for winter break, I pretty much had it narrowed down that it was going to happen over break, but more specifically, it was going to happen on Christmas Eve. I never said anything to Brandon about thinking that I knew everything that was going on...mainly because I didn't really want to be a brat and throw a wrench in his plans, but more so because I didn't want to look like an idiot if I was completely wrong and I really didn't know anything.
The week that I got home for winter break I remember Brandon telling me that we needed to go out to his mom's house. I distinctly remember asking him why we needed to go out there and he told me "I don't know, she needs me to do something." Usually Brandon isn't that vague with stuff, so I jumped to conclusions and this is what was constantly going through my head..."Geeze Brandon, I'm not stupid, I know exactly what is going on. You have a ring but it is at your mom's so that there isn't a chance that I will find it at the house. You are saying we have to go to your mom's for some BS reason so that you can get the think you are so smart, but boy I am on to you!!" When we went out to his mom's, we took the new quad trailer so that she could see it. We hadn't been out there for very long and he asked me to take her outside to show it to her **this is where I decided that I was going to enter into brat mode**...I didn't really want to go outside to show her because in my head, when I went outside, he was going to get the ring and put it in his pocket. So I decided not to put up a fight and I reluctantly headed outside to show off the trailer. A short time later Brandon came outside, with no bulge in the pocket...but I was still convinced that he had gotten the ring while I was outside.
Fast forward a few days to Christmas Eve...Brandon had planned a date for us and the night before, he told me that we were leaving at 10:30a. I did complain about the time, but I went with it and I was at the house at 10:30 on the dot...but he wasn't. I got to the house and I really wanted to go to QT so I sent him a text and asked him if I had time before he got home and he told me no...dumb haha. When he got home he had the boat all hooked up and ready to go...let me remind you that up until this point I had no idea what we were going to do for this date.
So we were on our merry way to the lake...yay!! We got on the freeway and on the on ramp Brandon realized that he forgot his wallet...well me being antsy and all thought that this was all apart of his grand plan so I tried convincing him that it was okay and we didn't need to go back home to get it because I had cash and it wasn't a big deal. He bought into the idea for all of 2.5 seconds and got off on at the next exit and went home to get his wallet. So then we were on our merry way to the lake...again. We actually made it there this time.
So we decided that Brandon was going to back the truck into the water and get the boat on the water and I would park the truck...the only slight problem was that I had never drove the truck with any type of trailer on it and I wasn't thrilled with the idea of having to learn right then at the lake...but the idea that I disliked even more was having to sit on the boat, in the water while Brandon went and parked...not because I didn't want to be alone, but because I didn't want to take the risk of running his brother's expensive boat into the rocks and all that madness. So, Brandon had me drive around the parking lot at the lake to make sure I was going to be able to drive the truck with the trailer all of 50 feet to park. Don't worry, I got it down. So we got the boat on the water and I parked the truck with no accidents and we were on our merry way.
Now at this point, I was expecting the proposal any time, so I was slightly...or maybe more than slightly antsy. I over analyzed every move that Brandon made, and when I say every I mean EVERY. At one point I remember him bending down to pick something up and I freaked out a little in my head thinking that it was happening...but he stood back up and went about his business without my mini freak out phasing him at all. So while on the lake Brandon would go in a cove, and back out and in another cove and back out. Then back in a cove, and then he turned the boat off. We sat there for a little while...meanwhile I was completely on edge. Then Brandon asked me if I could get him his drink out of the cooler, so I reached around and grabbed the cooler and opened it up, grabbed the drink, handed it to him, closed the cooler and pushed it back behind the seat. Well, to my surprise, in the cooler, on top of his drink was a ring box. My first instinct was to pick it up, but upon further analysis of the situation, I didn't pick it up knowing that by picking it up I was doing exactly what he wanted me to do. My exact thoughts were "Oh hell no! I will not pick it up. If he wants to give it to me he can pick it up and give it to me himself...silly boy." I could kind of see the disbelief in his face when I didn't acknowledge the box. But he brushed it off and didn't say anything about it. Some time passed and we really didn't say much to each other but out of the blue Brandon told me that I had already seen one of my Christmas presents. Well me being in complete brat mode played stupid and looked everywhere in the boat (except for the cooler) for this present that I had supposedly seen. Brandon took a video of me looking for the present. The video ends with me being so frustrated that I threw my face into my hands and just shook my head.
Eventually Brandon pushed the cooler back in front of me. I opened the cooler and surprise surprise, there was a ring box!! I opened the ring box to find a big blue ring pop...yep that's right, a ring pop. I was slightly unhappy with the contents of the box. Brandon explained to me that he couldn't afford to buy me a real ring but that he loved me very much and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. I decided to make the most of my less than ideal situation, put the ring on my finger and began to eat the candy.
About that time, Brandon asked me if I wanted to go and eat lunch. I agreed and so we headed to the cafe off the lake to eat lunch. Well the idea that there was going to be a real proposal wasn't out of my mind. I think that I was on edge throughout lunch thinking that he was going to pull a fast one on me and propose during lunch, but it didn't happen. So after lunch we headed back out onto the lake for a little while. Brandon asked me if I was ready to go, and I reluctantly said sure. I knew that the idea of leaving the lake stole all the hope that I had that there was going to be a real proposal that day.
So off the water we went. We pulled the boat out and began wiping it down. I feel like it took significantly longer to clean the boat this time than it had ever taken, but at the time I really didn't think much about it. We found ourselves in the truck driving away from the lake, and I found myself leaving all hope a real proposal there at the lake.
We got back onto the main road and out of nowhere Brandon looked at the mirror and told me that a strap was coming loose on the boat. At this point, I could have cared less. I don't think I would have cared if the boat had fallen off the trailer and bounced down the highway. I was annoyed that I had all of this anticipation and I was going to be returning home with nothing more than a half-eaten blue ring pop.
So Brandon found a place to pull off of the road and consequently it was right where you would get dropped off to float down the salt river. He got out of the truck and did whatever needed to be done with the strap and all. Honestly, I really wasn't paying attention to what was going on because I really didn't care. However, outside I did hear Brandon hit something on something (now I know that isn't very descriptive, but it sounded like he hit his arm, or something, on the boat) and I was concerned because of his broken arm. Following the sound, I heard what sounded like either "ouch" or "oh shit" was difficult to decipher. I sat there for a minute to decide if I should go and see if he needed help or if I should just stay there. Well, I decided that I should go and make sure that he was okay. So I hopped my tush out of the truck and walked around the truck and the boat to find Brandon kneeling down. At first I couldn't tell if he was okay. But then I looked a little harder and I saw that he was holding a little black box that he then opened and inside was the ring that I had been waiting for.
The rest of the story is quite foggy to me...but he said stuff to me and it ended with "will you marry me?"
I didn't even have to think about it before I said yes :)